Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day Resolutions

Inspired by Earth Day, I've hopped on the bandwagon and have been researching different stuff about the environment, pollution and going green. I found this link on Planet Green about making an Earth Day resolution list, and thought I'd make my own.

Jenny's Earth Day Resolutions:
- try to "reduce" more (I recycle and reuse all the time, but reducing seems key)
- use natural cleaning prodcuts more often (even though I loves me my Mr. Clean)
- find/make some mesh bags for my produce instead of using those clear bags they provide
- strive to make birthday gifts for friends out of recycled/reused materials (some call this "upcycling" others call it "cheap")
- shop for produce at local MyMarkets so I know my food is fresh, organic, local and the money is going straight to the farmer
- loose weight (it'll make my carbon footprint lighter? Get it? Get it?!)

What are your Earth Day resolutions?

Mmm local apples!

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